Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Crystal Cinema

My love of film propels this blog forward. Striving to avoid pretentious opinions of film, I am, naturally, skeptical about most of the products shoved down the throats of the 'mass' public. Thus, here is my realistic blog, asserting my opinions of various films. I try (although often unsuccessfully) to take into account both the educational and entertaining nature of films. They should be both, and often one over the other at certain times, depending one's mood at the moment. And so I set out to watch more films than I should, banish my naturally pessimistic view of the world, and remain as objective as possible while still retaining high expectations of the industry, standards that mostly leave me disappointed, discouraged, and disgusted. And of course, all reviews are subjective, so tell me what you think of my opinions, I am intrigued by your review of my perspective.
So this is my disclaimer. I always want more, and I feel that is never asking too much.

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